Tuesday 15 October
Holly is counting forwards in fives as she stands on the feet!
We went around the group and counted in a sequence of five using our hands.
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100.
Do you notice a pattern?
The adding game.
You play with a partner and go "one, two, three" as you pat your knees and then you both hold up a finger pattern. First to add correctly gets a counter. There are 10 counters up for grabs. The person with the most counters at the end is the winner!
Luna, Stella and Holly have 10 counters. One side has a magnet and one does not. They shake the counters in their hand and then drop them onto the board. They then record the number sentence that they have made. Luna threw lots of 5 and 5, so five landed with the magnet up and five landed without a magnet. |
Stella throws a handful of dice and then she makes as many groups of ten as she can. She can use as many dice as she wants as long as the total is ten.
In this photograph, the girls are holding up a number sentence for their buddy to add. Our strategy was to use our bonds to 10 knowledge or to start with the biggest number and count on.